Didactic Swimming Pool

Sports and health throughout the year at Turda Didactic Swimming Pool.

Sports, and especially swimming, bring many benefits to the body and the state of well-being.

Here are just a few of the benefits of swimming:

  • swimming tones the entire muscular system;
  • it increases the heart rate and strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  • it is one of the sports that burn the most calories;
  • it helps reduce pain or improve recovery after injury;
  • it contributes to the improvement of sleep;
  • it eliminates the stress accumulated during the day;
  • it is recommended for future mothers and children for a harmonious development.

Turda Didactic swimming pool

Turda Didactic swimming pool offers an optimal setting for health and a pleasant leisure time for the whole family:

Basin dimensions: length: 25 m, width: 12.5 m, water depth: 1.2 m–1.8 m;

Capacity: 60 persons; 5 lanes, provided with starting blocks;

Water temperature: 26–28 degrees C;

Air temperature: 30–32 degrees C.

We organize swimming courses – pre-beginners, beginners, intermediate, and advanced, for children and adults.

You can contact us for more information here:

Address: Strada Stadionului 6, located 50 m after the Municipal Stadium
Phone: 0746 107 887

Costs charged by Turda Didactic swimming pool

Denumire serviciu / descrierea serviciuluiTarif
Bilet intrare: Adulți / pers./1 intrare/1 oră și jumătate25 lei
Bilet intrare: Copii, elevi, studenți / pers./1 intrare/1 oră și jumătate15 lei
Abonament: Adulți / pers./ 11 intrări / 1 oră și jumătate250 lei
Abonament: Copii, elevi, studenți/ pers./ 11 intrări / 1 oră și jumătate150 lei
Abonament curs de înot cu instructor: Adulți/ pers./ 11 ședințe / 1 oră 350 lei
Abonament curs de înot cu instructor: Copii, elevi, studenți/ pers./ 11 ședințe / 1 oră 250 lei
Taxă curs înot: Adulți / pers./ 1 ședințe / 1 oră 35 lei
Taxă curs înot: Copii, elevi, studenți / pers./ 1 ședință / 1 oră 25 lei
Copii, elevi, studenți / pers./ 1 ședință / 1 oră - fractii calculate la fiecare jumatate de ora suplimentara sau fractiuni , din momentul eliberarii bonului fiscal si primirea bratarii de acces si pana la predarea bratarii de acces .4 lei
Taxă participare concurs: 1 probă / participant30 lei
Pierdere brățară acces: pret / buc50 lei

Online Tickets

Experience the show and the magic of Turda Salt Mine faster with the online ticket.


Why is Turda Salt Mine spectacular?

  • Turda Salt Mine is a unique place in the world.
  • You experience unique moments through the magical underground galleries.
  • Turda Salt Mine is a natural source of health and good luck.