The Turda History Museum

For the preservation of the impressive traces of history, in the centre of Turda there stands the History Museum, a testimony of the past. With a valuable heritage, more than 40,000 mobile cultural assets are organized as follows:

  • prehistoric collection – 250 artefacts, the oldest living traces in the area; dating back to the Palaeolithic – Mousterian culture –, it is represented through fossils
  • the Roman and post-Roman collection – 24,526 pieces of cultural goods, specific pieces of military equipment and armament; coins and adornment of gold, silver, and bronze; stone carvings and inscriptions; tegular and ceramic materials
  • the mediaeval-modern and memorabilia collection with 7087 pieces – numismatics, adornments, old books, weapons, accessories and military distinctions, guilds, seals, noble diplomas, documents and photographs
  • ethnographic collection – an impressive and valuable collection of ethnographic pieces, about 750 pieces in total: icons and objects of worship, furniture, tools, items of households and from around the house, textiles and clothing, ceramics, musical instruments
  • art collection – pieces of furniture, paintings, Gobelin tapestries, engravings, decorative objects, etc. The most valuable piece in the collection is the oil painting, Diet of Turda, made in 1896 by Hungarian painter Aladár Körösfői- Kriesch, which reproduces the historical moment of the declaration of conscience and religious tolerance at the Diet of Turda (6–13 January 1568).

Princely Palace of Turda (old drawing)

Book a dedicated tour through the entire history of the places.

Tuesday–Sunday: 10.00–17.00
Address: 2 Bogdan Petriceicu Haşdeu St, Turda city, Cluj County
Phone Number: 0264-311.826

The painting depicts the Diet of Transylvania in the meeting of January 1568, from the Roman Catholic Church in Turda – Aladár Körösföi-Kriesch painted the painting in 1898

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Why is Turda Salt Mine spectacular?

  • Turda Salt Mine is a unique place in the world.
  • You experience unique moments through the magical underground galleries.
  • Turda Salt Mine is a natural source of health and good luck.