Theresa Mine

From Rudolf Mine we descend a little lower, into Theresa Mine.

A salt waterfall, an underground lake, stalactites and salt efflorescences complete the inert balance of the huge bell.

It is the oldest mining work in the whole Turda Salt Mine, the salt being exploited between 1690 and 1880.

The exploitation of salt in this type of rooms has left behind underground holes of impressive size (in the case of Theresa Mine: 90 m high and 75 m diameter). The depth from the mouth of the shafts to the base of the mine is 112 m.

Terezia Mine

In Theresa Mine, the underground lake dominates the scene majestically. A unique splendour of up to 6 meters deep, extended on about 80% of the base surface of the exploitation room. Over time, an island was formed in the centre of the lake, from the residual salt deposited here after 1880, the year in which salt exploitation in this room was stopped. Exactly here, in this area, the air is the cleanest, with the lowest total concentration of microorganisms in the underground air of 4–10 microbial bodies/m3.


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Why is Turda Salt Mine spectacular?

  • Turda Salt Mine is a unique place in the world.
  • You experience unique moments through the magical underground galleries.
  • Turda Salt Mine is a natural source of health and good luck.