Extraction Shaft Chamber

The Museum of salt mining continues with the Extraction Shaft Chamber

A room that houses the extraction shaft through which the salt mined in Rudolf Mine was transported vertically, up to the level of Franz Joseph Gallery.

The extraction shaft connects Franz Josef Transport Gallery and Rudolf Mine. It is 87 m deep and is divided into 3 areas: two destined for the salt transport exploited in Rudolf Mine and a part where the stairs used for the movement of workers are. An old wooden pulley used for digging the shaft is still preserved here. The footprints of the past continue to be seen all over the place.

Up, in the ceiling of the room, above the shaft, you can still see the place where a 10.5-meter tower was dug, in which two knurls –steel pulleys – were mounted, that are functional even today, although they were placed there for more than 150 years ago, in 1864.

Extraction mechanism

The extraction vessels used were in the form of large bags made of bovine leather. Underneath the knurls, or pulleys, as they are called, some devices were mounted to move the extraction vessels from the extraction well, up to the unloading ramp. From here, salt balls were loaded into wagons and transported for storage in storehouses in Turda Nouă. These were transported on a narrow railway, and the carriages were drawn by horses. An old story alive to this day.


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Why is Turda Salt Mine spectacular?

  • Turda Salt Mine is a unique place in the world.
  • You experience unique moments through the magical underground galleries.
  • Turda Salt Mine is a natural source of health and good luck.

Dragi vizitatori,

cu ocazia sărbătorilor pascale, între 26 Aprilie - 12 Mai 2024, Salina Turda va fi deschisă zilnic, între orele 09.00 - 19.00, cu ultima intrare
în subteran la ora 18.00.
Vă așteptăm cu drag!

Dear visitors,

during the Easter Holiday, between the 26th of April - 12 of May 2024, Turda Salt Mine will be open daily, from 9.00 am to 7.00 pm, with the last access
in the underground at 5.00 pm.
Looking forward to having you!