Discover Turda

and Its Surroundings

Turda city is among the oldest and most important settlements in Romania, alongside Alba-Iulia, Cluj-Napoca, Iași, or Timișoara. The city, but also its surroundings, is full of history and legends. Thus, the tourist attractions in Turda offer a magical journey for the tourists.

We invite you, young and old, to be part of the legend.

Today, the city of Turda and its surroundings are an oasis of health and relaxation, a lace of spectacular and unique tourist attractions.

Tourist Destinations in Turda and Its Surroundings

It was and is a good land to reside and live. And to visit.


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Online Tickets

Experience the show and the magic of Turda Salt Mine faster with the online ticket.


Why is Turda Salt Mine spectacular?

  • Turda Salt Mine is a unique place in the world.
  • You experience unique moments through the magical underground galleries.
  • Turda Salt Mine is a natural source of health and good luck.

Dragi vizitatori,

cu ocazia sărbătorilor pascale, între 26 Aprilie - 12 Mai 2024, Salina Turda va fi deschisă zilnic, între orele 09.00 - 19.00, cu ultima intrare
în subteran la ora 18.00.
Vă așteptăm cu drag!

Dear visitors,

during the Easter Holiday, between the 26th of April - 12 of May 2024, Turda Salt Mine will be open daily, from 9.00 am to 7.00 pm, with the last access
in the underground at 5.00 pm.
Looking forward to having you!