Concert of the 60+ orchestra

We are glad to inform you that Sunday, 24th august, in the Rudolf Mine amphitheater , starting at 12:00 we will have a concert of the 60+ orchestra. We are waiting for every folk music lovers but also those who just want to wonder a little about the special acoustic of the Rudolf Mine!

Dragi vizitatori,

cu ocazia sărbătorilor pascale, între 26 Aprilie - 12 Mai 2024, Salina Turda va fi deschisă zilnic, între orele 09.00 - 19.00, cu ultima intrare
în subteran la ora 18.00.
Vă așteptăm cu drag!

Dear visitors,

during the Easter Holiday, between the 26th of April - 12 of May 2024, Turda Salt Mine will be open daily, from 9.00 am to 7.00 pm, with the last access
in the underground at 5.00 pm.
Looking forward to having you!